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Custom 3D Concrete

Custom 3D Concrete

Concrete has been a reliable, durable, sturdy building material for hundreds of years. This versatile material is moldable, which means it can take almost any shape. Advances in technology have made it possible for us to use modeling software and computer-controlled machines to design and create complex shapes. With this technology, we can fabricate almost any design, giving you the durability you need with the artistry you want.

At Concreteworks East, our mission is to bring any designer’s creative vision to life with concrete. As the popularity of these 3-dimensional complex and organic shapes continues to grow, we continue to invest in our in house fabrication capabilities to succeed on that mission. Paired with the use of glass fiber reinforced concrete, not only can we offer a concrete mix with superior durability, strength, and color development, we can now create concrete shapes that weren’t viable in years past.

CNC Milling

CNC Milling

A computer numerical control (CNC) router is the best tool for milling. This computer-controlled cutting machine can cut through various substrates, which allows it to be used for modeling. We do not use the CNC router to cut concrete, but to cut the substrates, we use it to build models, molds, and forms. With this precise tool, we can create dimensionally precise shapes and then use those to create molds for perfect precast concrete products.

In addition to shapes, we can use CNC milling to create details and designs on the concrete. From large shapes to intricate small designs, this precision tool lets us create the custom work you want.

Our in house 4-axis CNC router allows us to mill a variety of substrates that become the building blocks of our forms. From custom tubs to custom planter walls, our CNC capabilities allow us to take on the most complex shapes. CNC milled templates allow us to create dimensionally precise precast concrete products. Milling unique textures into the surface faces of the form that are transferred to the concrete product during casting continue to make the design possibilities endless.

3D Modeling

3D Modeling

Our design team uses some of the top 3D modeling software like AutoCAD and Fusion 360 to create a 3D model of the design. Using this software, we can create precision models, allowing us to use your input to tweak the design and allow you to view it before we create a mold or build a prototype. For us, it makes the process easier and reduces the likelihood of waste. For customers, this makes the process less expensive since we work in models instead of a series of prototypes.

Mold Building

Mold Building

Our team of fabricators have years of experience preparing molds for concrete castings. As the designs increase in complexity, mold preparation and building become even more critical in producing a successful casting. At Concreteworks East we use a variety of coatings and prepping techniques, perfected through continuous process development, to create a mold ready for the GFRC casting process.

Building a mold has been part of custom concrete work for years. Some casting techniques are that old, too, and we keep them because they work. Other casting techniques are more modern. We tailor our casting technique for the project, using the coating and prepping combination required for a particular process.

Molds are probably the most crucial element in the process. Without a good mold, we cannot get a good finished product. So, we are consistently evolving our casting techniques to ensure that we bring our customers the best practices in the industry.

Pairing Concrete with Glass Fiber

Concrete is a durable building material, but it has not historically been associated with beauty. Additionally, while concrete is strong, it has not been as durable since it is subject to cracking, wear, and erosion.

We use glass fiber to strengthen our concrete and increase its durability. Fiber-reinforced concrete is nothing new. People have been using metal, glass, wood, or plastic fibers to increase concrete’s stress resistance and tensile strength. However, the fiber percentage has historically only been enough to increase tensile strength moderately.

Now, we use glass fibers to produce concrete with a high fiber content, making it more durable. Glass-fiber reinforced concrete is more resistant to stress or bending, impact, fire, wear and tear, and abrasion. The process is unique, allowing us to co-extrude the cement and the fibers so the fibers are incorporated throughout the concrete material.

Artistry, Craftsmanship, and Technology

Concrete work has long been a way to create affordable, durable, and creative designs. Recent technological advances have expanded those possibilities, opening up the medium to increasingly intricate, stress-resistant, and beautiful designs. Concrete has long been the choice for people seeking a sleek, clean, modern design. Now, it is becoming a go-to choice for people who want precision details and increased stress resistance. Contact us to talk to our artisans. They can discuss your vision with you and let you know if concrete is the suitable medium. If so, they can begin the design process and help you bring your vision to life.

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